
Implements the Markov chain and text generation functionality.

The Markov chain itself defines a state as a tuple of tokens. The length of this tuple is defined by the chain order at remarkov.model.Model.order. A chain of order 1 (default) uses a one-dimensional tuple. On each generation step, the state is rotated left removing the oldest token and appending a new one.

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Implements the Markov chain and text generation functionality.

The Markov chain itself defines a state as a tuple of tokens. The length of this tuple is defined by 
the chain order at `remarkov.model.Model.order`. A chain of order 1 (default) uses a one-dimensional tuple.
On each generation step, the state is rotated left removing the oldest token and appending a new one.

import random

from typing import Callable, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Tuple

from remarkov.error import NoTransitionsDefined, NoStartStateFound, TokenStreamExhausted
from remarkov.persistance import V1Decoder, V1Encoder
from remarkov.types import State, Token, Tokenizer, TokenStream
from remarkov.tokenizer import (


class Transitions(dict):
    Stores all state transitions of the Markov chain.

    def __init__(self):
        self.__dict__: Dict[State, List[Token]] = {}
        self.start_states: List[State] = []

    def declare_start(self, from_: State):
        Add a valid starting state `from_` to the chain.


    def declare(self, from_: State, to: Token):
        Add a transition from state `from_` to a successor state.

        The successor state is equal to `from_` where the last token is `to` and the first token of `from_` is removed
        so that the overall length complies with `remarkov.model.Model.order`.

        You can call this method several times thus increasing the chance of this transition happening.

        if from_ not in self:
            self[from_] = []


class GenerationResult:
    Output type of `remarkov.model.Model.generate`.

    def __init__(self, output_stream: Generator[Token, None, None]):
        self.output_stream = output_stream

    def __str__(self):
        Collects all emitted tokens into a string, putting a space between each token.

        return " ".join(self.output_stream)

    def text(self):
        Collects all emitted tokens and tries to apply correct spacing between punctuation and words.

        from remarkov.tokenizer import NO_WHITESPACE_BEFORE

        prev_token, output = None, ""

        for token in self.output_stream:
            # apply special spacing rules to punctuation.
            if token in NO_WHITESPACE_BEFORE:
            # make sure that output is not empty to avoid leading whitespace.
            # if we've previously emitted a punctuation token that doesn't require a space -> avoid it.
            elif output and prev_token not in NO_WHITESPACE_AFTER:
                output += " "

            output += token
            prev_token = token

        return output

class Model:
    def __init__(
        order: int = 1,
        tokenizer: Optional[Tokenizer] = None,
        before_insert: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None,
        self.order = order
        self.tokenizer = tokenizer if tokenizer else default_tokenizer
        self.before_insert = before_insert

        self.transitions = Transitions()

        assert 1 <= self.order, "Order must be at least 1."

    def from_json(raw: str) -> "Model":
        Deserialize a model from a JSON string. You should prefer `remarkov.parse_model` over this function.

        return V1Decoder().decode(raw)

    def _create_initial_state(self, token_stream: TokenStream) -> List[Token]:
            return [
                for _ in range(self.order)
        except StopIteration:
            raise TokenStreamExhausted()

    def _get_random_start_state(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[Token], List[Token]]:
        This returns an immutable tuple state for transition selection as first value and
        a mutable variant as second value.
        # if there are no transitions, no data was given. fail.
        if not self.transitions:
            raise NoTransitionsDefined()

        # if no start states were declared, it is most likely because too few sentences were
        # imported. just pick some random key then.
        if not self.transitions.start_states:
            # TODO: avoid this list conversion
            key = random.choice(list(self.transitions.keys()))

            for _ in range(100):
                # unfortunately, we cannot trust this start state to have a successor token,
                # because the chain could be exhausted if corresponding source text ended.
                key = random.choice(self.transitions.start_states)

                # make sure that the state has successor tokens.
                if key in self.transitions:

                # if we haven't managed to find a start state -> give up.
                raise NoStartStateFound()

        return key, list(key)

    def _trigger_before_insert(self, token: str) -> str:
        if self.before_insert:
            return self.before_insert(token)

        return token

    def add_text(self, text: str, tokenizer: Optional[Tokenizer] = None):
        Insert some text into the Markov chain.

        This could raise a `remarkov.error.TokenStreamExhausted` exception if the chain order is greater than the amount of tokens determined.

        if tokenizer is None:
            tokenizer = self.tokenizer

        token_stream = tokenizer(text)

        last_removed_token, state = None, self._create_initial_state(token_stream)

        for token in token_stream:
            key: State = tuple(state)

            token = self._trigger_before_insert(token)
            self.transitions.declare(key, token)

            # decide whether we should declare the current state a valid entry point of the chain.
            if (
                # we consider the beginning of a text to be a valid entry point so check if this is the first iteration.
                last_removed_token is None
                # if we've removed a sentence termination token in the last iteration, we now have a valid start state.
                or last_removed_token in PUNCT_TERMINATION

            # update current state.
            # save the last removed token for starting state detection.
            last_removed_token = state.pop(0)

    def _generate_stream(self):
        Creates an endless stream of words.

        _, state = self._get_random_start_state()

        # copy state tokens into output.
        yield from state

        while True:
            key: Tuple[Token] = tuple(state)

            if key not in self.transitions:
                key, state = self._get_random_start_state()

                yield from state

            token = random.choice(self.transitions[key])

            # update state.

            yield token

    def _generate_stream_with_limit(self, word_amount: int):
        This encapsulates text output termination.

        stream = self._generate_stream()
        return (next(stream) for _ in range(word_amount))

    def generate(
        self, word_amount: int = DEFAULT_GENERATE_WORD_AMOUNT
    ) -> GenerationResult:
        Generate a random text with `word_amount` tokens.

        return GenerationResult(self._generate_stream_with_limit(word_amount))

    def generate_sentences(
        self, sentence_amount: int = DEFAULT_GENERATE_SENTENCE_AMOUNT
    ) -> GenerationResult:
        Generate a random text with `sentence_amount` sentences. Be careful when using this function
        as it will result in an endless loop if no `remarkov.tokenizer.PUNCT_TERMINATION` character was added.
        assert 0 < sentence_amount, "Sentence amount must be at least 1."

        def sentence_generator():
            stream = self._generate_stream()

            for _ in range(sentence_amount):
                # TODO: we should make sure that we are not starting on a punctuation char,
                #       but this is fine for now.
                token = next(stream)

                while token not in PUNCT_TERMINATION:
                    yield token
                    token = next(stream)

                yield token

        return GenerationResult(sentence_generator())

    def to_json(self, version=1, compress: bool = False) -> str:
        Serializes the model into a JSON string.

        `version` is currently not in use.

        return V1Encoder(compress=compress).encode(self)
#   class Transitions(builtins.dict):
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class Transitions(dict):
    Stores all state transitions of the Markov chain.

    def __init__(self):
        self.__dict__: Dict[State, List[Token]] = {}
        self.start_states: List[State] = []

    def declare_start(self, from_: State):
        Add a valid starting state `from_` to the chain.


    def declare(self, from_: State, to: Token):
        Add a transition from state `from_` to a successor state.

        The successor state is equal to `from_` where the last token is `to` and the first token of `from_` is removed
        so that the overall length complies with `remarkov.model.Model.order`.

        You can call this method several times thus increasing the chance of this transition happening.

        if from_ not in self:
            self[from_] = []


Stores all state transitions of the Markov chain.

#   Transitions()
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    def __init__(self):
        self.__dict__: Dict[State, List[Token]] = {}
        self.start_states: List[State] = []
#   def declare_start(self, from_: Tuple[str, ...]):
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    def declare_start(self, from_: State):
        Add a valid starting state `from_` to the chain.


Add a valid starting state from_ to the chain.

#   def declare(self, from_: Tuple[str, ...], to: str):
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    def declare(self, from_: State, to: Token):
        Add a transition from state `from_` to a successor state.

        The successor state is equal to `from_` where the last token is `to` and the first token of `from_` is removed
        so that the overall length complies with `remarkov.model.Model.order`.

        You can call this method several times thus increasing the chance of this transition happening.

        if from_ not in self:
            self[from_] = []


Add a transition from state from_ to a successor state.

The successor state is equal to from_ where the last token is to and the first token of from_ is removed so that the overall length complies with remarkov.model.Model.order.

You can call this method several times thus increasing the chance of this transition happening.

Inherited Members
#   class GenerationResult:
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class GenerationResult:
    Output type of `remarkov.model.Model.generate`.

    def __init__(self, output_stream: Generator[Token, None, None]):
        self.output_stream = output_stream

    def __str__(self):
        Collects all emitted tokens into a string, putting a space between each token.

        return " ".join(self.output_stream)

    def text(self):
        Collects all emitted tokens and tries to apply correct spacing between punctuation and words.

        from remarkov.tokenizer import NO_WHITESPACE_BEFORE

        prev_token, output = None, ""

        for token in self.output_stream:
            # apply special spacing rules to punctuation.
            if token in NO_WHITESPACE_BEFORE:
            # make sure that output is not empty to avoid leading whitespace.
            # if we've previously emitted a punctuation token that doesn't require a space -> avoid it.
            elif output and prev_token not in NO_WHITESPACE_AFTER:
                output += " "

            output += token
            prev_token = token

        return output
#   GenerationResult(output_stream: Generator[str, NoneType, NoneType])
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    def __init__(self, output_stream: Generator[Token, None, None]):
        self.output_stream = output_stream
#   def text(self):
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    def text(self):
        Collects all emitted tokens and tries to apply correct spacing between punctuation and words.

        from remarkov.tokenizer import NO_WHITESPACE_BEFORE

        prev_token, output = None, ""

        for token in self.output_stream:
            # apply special spacing rules to punctuation.
            if token in NO_WHITESPACE_BEFORE:
            # make sure that output is not empty to avoid leading whitespace.
            # if we've previously emitted a punctuation token that doesn't require a space -> avoid it.
            elif output and prev_token not in NO_WHITESPACE_AFTER:
                output += " "

            output += token
            prev_token = token

        return output

Collects all emitted tokens and tries to apply correct spacing between punctuation and words.

#   class Model:
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class Model:
    def __init__(
        order: int = 1,
        tokenizer: Optional[Tokenizer] = None,
        before_insert: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None,
        self.order = order
        self.tokenizer = tokenizer if tokenizer else default_tokenizer
        self.before_insert = before_insert

        self.transitions = Transitions()

        assert 1 <= self.order, "Order must be at least 1."

    def from_json(raw: str) -> "Model":
        Deserialize a model from a JSON string. You should prefer `remarkov.parse_model` over this function.

        return V1Decoder().decode(raw)

    def _create_initial_state(self, token_stream: TokenStream) -> List[Token]:
            return [
                for _ in range(self.order)
        except StopIteration:
            raise TokenStreamExhausted()

    def _get_random_start_state(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[Token], List[Token]]:
        This returns an immutable tuple state for transition selection as first value and
        a mutable variant as second value.
        # if there are no transitions, no data was given. fail.
        if not self.transitions:
            raise NoTransitionsDefined()

        # if no start states were declared, it is most likely because too few sentences were
        # imported. just pick some random key then.
        if not self.transitions.start_states:
            # TODO: avoid this list conversion
            key = random.choice(list(self.transitions.keys()))

            for _ in range(100):
                # unfortunately, we cannot trust this start state to have a successor token,
                # because the chain could be exhausted if corresponding source text ended.
                key = random.choice(self.transitions.start_states)

                # make sure that the state has successor tokens.
                if key in self.transitions:

                # if we haven't managed to find a start state -> give up.
                raise NoStartStateFound()

        return key, list(key)

    def _trigger_before_insert(self, token: str) -> str:
        if self.before_insert:
            return self.before_insert(token)

        return token

    def add_text(self, text: str, tokenizer: Optional[Tokenizer] = None):
        Insert some text into the Markov chain.

        This could raise a `remarkov.error.TokenStreamExhausted` exception if the chain order is greater than the amount of tokens determined.

        if tokenizer is None:
            tokenizer = self.tokenizer

        token_stream = tokenizer(text)

        last_removed_token, state = None, self._create_initial_state(token_stream)

        for token in token_stream:
            key: State = tuple(state)

            token = self._trigger_before_insert(token)
            self.transitions.declare(key, token)

            # decide whether we should declare the current state a valid entry point of the chain.
            if (
                # we consider the beginning of a text to be a valid entry point so check if this is the first iteration.
                last_removed_token is None
                # if we've removed a sentence termination token in the last iteration, we now have a valid start state.
                or last_removed_token in PUNCT_TERMINATION

            # update current state.
            # save the last removed token for starting state detection.
            last_removed_token = state.pop(0)

    def _generate_stream(self):
        Creates an endless stream of words.

        _, state = self._get_random_start_state()

        # copy state tokens into output.
        yield from state

        while True:
            key: Tuple[Token] = tuple(state)

            if key not in self.transitions:
                key, state = self._get_random_start_state()

                yield from state

            token = random.choice(self.transitions[key])

            # update state.

            yield token

    def _generate_stream_with_limit(self, word_amount: int):
        This encapsulates text output termination.

        stream = self._generate_stream()
        return (next(stream) for _ in range(word_amount))

    def generate(
        self, word_amount: int = DEFAULT_GENERATE_WORD_AMOUNT
    ) -> GenerationResult:
        Generate a random text with `word_amount` tokens.

        return GenerationResult(self._generate_stream_with_limit(word_amount))

    def generate_sentences(
        self, sentence_amount: int = DEFAULT_GENERATE_SENTENCE_AMOUNT
    ) -> GenerationResult:
        Generate a random text with `sentence_amount` sentences. Be careful when using this function
        as it will result in an endless loop if no `remarkov.tokenizer.PUNCT_TERMINATION` character was added.
        assert 0 < sentence_amount, "Sentence amount must be at least 1."

        def sentence_generator():
            stream = self._generate_stream()

            for _ in range(sentence_amount):
                # TODO: we should make sure that we are not starting on a punctuation char,
                #       but this is fine for now.
                token = next(stream)

                while token not in PUNCT_TERMINATION:
                    yield token
                    token = next(stream)

                yield token

        return GenerationResult(sentence_generator())

    def to_json(self, version=1, compress: bool = False) -> str:
        Serializes the model into a JSON string.

        `version` is currently not in use.

        return V1Encoder(compress=compress).encode(self)
#   Model( order: int = 1, tokenizer: Union[Callable[[str], Generator[str, NoneType, NoneType]], NoneType] = None, before_insert: Union[Callable[[str], str], NoneType] = None )
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    def __init__(
        order: int = 1,
        tokenizer: Optional[Tokenizer] = None,
        before_insert: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None,
        self.order = order
        self.tokenizer = tokenizer if tokenizer else default_tokenizer
        self.before_insert = before_insert

        self.transitions = Transitions()

        assert 1 <= self.order, "Order must be at least 1."
def from_json(raw: str) -> remarkov.model.Model:
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    def from_json(raw: str) -> "Model":
        Deserialize a model from a JSON string. You should prefer `remarkov.parse_model` over this function.

        return V1Decoder().decode(raw)

Deserialize a model from a JSON string. You should prefer remarkov.parse_model over this function.

#   def add_text( self, text: str, tokenizer: Union[Callable[[str], Generator[str, NoneType, NoneType]], NoneType] = None ):
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    def add_text(self, text: str, tokenizer: Optional[Tokenizer] = None):
        Insert some text into the Markov chain.

        This could raise a `remarkov.error.TokenStreamExhausted` exception if the chain order is greater than the amount of tokens determined.

        if tokenizer is None:
            tokenizer = self.tokenizer

        token_stream = tokenizer(text)

        last_removed_token, state = None, self._create_initial_state(token_stream)

        for token in token_stream:
            key: State = tuple(state)

            token = self._trigger_before_insert(token)
            self.transitions.declare(key, token)

            # decide whether we should declare the current state a valid entry point of the chain.
            if (
                # we consider the beginning of a text to be a valid entry point so check if this is the first iteration.
                last_removed_token is None
                # if we've removed a sentence termination token in the last iteration, we now have a valid start state.
                or last_removed_token in PUNCT_TERMINATION

            # update current state.
            # save the last removed token for starting state detection.
            last_removed_token = state.pop(0)

Insert some text into the Markov chain.

This could raise a remarkov.error.TokenStreamExhausted exception if the chain order is greater than the amount of tokens determined.

#   def generate(self, word_amount: int = 32) -> remarkov.model.GenerationResult:
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    def generate(
        self, word_amount: int = DEFAULT_GENERATE_WORD_AMOUNT
    ) -> GenerationResult:
        Generate a random text with `word_amount` tokens.

        return GenerationResult(self._generate_stream_with_limit(word_amount))

Generate a random text with word_amount tokens.

#   def generate_sentences(self, sentence_amount: int = 3) -> remarkov.model.GenerationResult:
View Source
    def generate_sentences(
        self, sentence_amount: int = DEFAULT_GENERATE_SENTENCE_AMOUNT
    ) -> GenerationResult:
        Generate a random text with `sentence_amount` sentences. Be careful when using this function
        as it will result in an endless loop if no `remarkov.tokenizer.PUNCT_TERMINATION` character was added.
        assert 0 < sentence_amount, "Sentence amount must be at least 1."

        def sentence_generator():
            stream = self._generate_stream()

            for _ in range(sentence_amount):
                # TODO: we should make sure that we are not starting on a punctuation char,
                #       but this is fine for now.
                token = next(stream)

                while token not in PUNCT_TERMINATION:
                    yield token
                    token = next(stream)

                yield token

        return GenerationResult(sentence_generator())

Generate a random text with sentence_amount sentences. Be careful when using this function as it will result in an endless loop if no remarkov.tokenizer.PUNCT_TERMINATION character was added.

#   def to_json(self, version=1, compress: bool = False) -> str:
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    def to_json(self, version=1, compress: bool = False) -> str:
        Serializes the model into a JSON string.

        `version` is currently not in use.

        return V1Encoder(compress=compress).encode(self)

Serializes the model into a JSON string.

version is currently not in use.