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from typing import Callable
from remarkov.types import TokenStream

PUNCT_TERMINATION = [".", "?", "!"]
"""Punctuation characters that terminate a sentence."""
PUNCT = [*PUNCT_TERMINATION, ",", ":", '"', "[", "]", "(", ")"]
"""All special characters that should be tokenized."""


def default_tokenizer(text: str) -> TokenStream:
    Simple tokenizer that splits a sentence and creates a token for each word or punctuation character.

    text = text.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ")

    for punct in PUNCT:
        text = text.replace(punct, f" {punct} ")

    return (token for token in text.split(" ") if token)

def token_to_lowercase(token: str) -> str:
    return token.lower()

def token_to_uppercase(token: str) -> str:
    return token.upper()

def create_ngram_tokenizer(n: int) -> Callable[[str], TokenStream]:
    Tokenize the input text into n-grams of length `n`. Short tokens are padded with whitespace.

    assert 0 < n, "n must be at least 1"

    def ngram_tokenizer(text: str):
        for offset in range(0, len(text), n):
            ngram = text[offset : offset + n]

            # if the current ngram is too short, pad it with whitespace.
            if len(ngram) < n:
                ngram += " " * (n - len(ngram))

            yield ngram

    return ngram_tokenizer
#   PUNCT_TERMINATION = ['.', '?', '!']

Punctuation characters that terminate a sentence.

#   PUNCT = ['.', '?', '!', ',', ':', '"', '[', ']', '(', ')']

All special characters that should be tokenized.

#   def default_tokenizer(text: str) -> Generator[str, NoneType, NoneType]:
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def default_tokenizer(text: str) -> TokenStream:
    Simple tokenizer that splits a sentence and creates a token for each word or punctuation character.

    text = text.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ")

    for punct in PUNCT:
        text = text.replace(punct, f" {punct} ")

    return (token for token in text.split(" ") if token)

Simple tokenizer that splits a sentence and creates a token for each word or punctuation character.

#   def token_to_lowercase(token: str) -> str:
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def token_to_lowercase(token: str) -> str:
    return token.lower()
#   def token_to_uppercase(token: str) -> str:
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def token_to_uppercase(token: str) -> str:
    return token.upper()
#   def create_ngram_tokenizer(n: int) -> Callable[[str], Generator[str, NoneType, NoneType]]:
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def create_ngram_tokenizer(n: int) -> Callable[[str], TokenStream]:
    Tokenize the input text into n-grams of length `n`. Short tokens are padded with whitespace.

    assert 0 < n, "n must be at least 1"

    def ngram_tokenizer(text: str):
        for offset in range(0, len(text), n):
            ngram = text[offset : offset + n]

            # if the current ngram is too short, pad it with whitespace.
            if len(ngram) < n:
                ngram += " " * (n - len(ngram))

            yield ngram

    return ngram_tokenizer

Tokenize the input text into n-grams of length n. Short tokens are padded with whitespace.